

The project

Inspired by Socrates’ philosophy of inquiry, dialogue and collective learning, SOILCRATES (Soil-crates) is a collaborative project focused on restoring and preserving soil quality across Europe by developping soil literacy and monitoring soil structure, soil life, and crop-growing conditions of mineral soils. With 21 partners, from academia, agricultural stakeholders, and local authorities, SOILCRATES co-creates, tests and implements sustainable soil practices. This initiative addresses the pressing need to manage soil as a living resource, essential to food security, biodiversity, and climate resilience. SOILCRATES operates within four Living Labs (LL) defined by the EU Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ as user-centred, place-based and transdisciplinary research and innovation ecosystems that involve multiple partners (e.g., land managers, scientists, citizens, businesses, and local authorities) to co-design, test, monitor and evaluate solutions in real-life settings for improving soil health.

The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing– Socrates

The goals

Creating sustainble and dynamic LLs

Setting up LLs that have a dynamic character that brings a next level to LLs that are typically a fixed group of sites and actors for a set duration. The process of co-creation, co-design, co-innovation, and co-learning will ensure context specific solutions that are embraced and taken-up by local actors and supported by the regional community.

Monitoring Soil Health and Biodiversity

Bridging limitations of current state-of-the-art among end users in the EU by actively cooperate with the European Soil Observatory to deliver a standard set of soil health indicators, focusing on soil structure (e.g. aggregate formation and stability, porosity, mineral balance) and health (e.g. development of soil food web, organic matter fractions, nutrient cycling), linked to scientifically verified measurement methods that allow for effective data collection. The project will involve an array of low-tech methods that can be performed on site by end-users combined with cutting-edge technologies such as metagenomic analysis, remote sensing, and advanced sensor networks. Collected real-time data, machine learning models, and analysis results will be shared through a digital environment accessible to all stakeholders.

Enhancing Soil Structure and Health

SOILCRATES establishes regional LLs as collaborative platforms, facilitating knowledge exchange and cooperation among actors from the quadruple helix. By combining traditional and scientific knowledge and integrating advanced technologies, the project develops innovative soil improvement strategies tailored to each region’s specific conditions. Additionally, the interconnected LLs promote cross-learning, allowing for adaptive management practices that lead to more resilient and sustainable soil systems. The project’s emphasis on a usercentred approach encourages stakeholders to actively participate in co-creating and implementing solutions, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to sustainable soil management practices.

Increasing Soil Literacy in Society

Implementing comprehensive soil literacy programs targeting different stakeholder groups in the LL regions is a key to the ambition of SOILCRATES. By utilizing innovative and engaging approaches, the project aims to effectively disseminate knowledge and create awareness about soil health and sustainable soil management practices. Additionally, involving actors from the quadruple helix will ensure that soil literacy initiatives align with local cultural practices and socio-economic contexts, making the educational content more relatable and impactful. The interconnected LLs serve as tangible demonstration sites, showcasing the benefits of sustainable soil management practices, inspiring behaviour change, and fostering a shared commitment to soil conservation and sustainability.

The outcomes

SOILCRATES is committed to delivering results that stakeholders across Europe can apply in their work. Some expected outcomes include: